Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hawkmoon's Inaugural

Inaugural is a weird word. There I said it. That's obviously beside the point, but I couldn't stop myself. Anyway, I figured that I should make my first entry for a couple reasons, especially since I will be headed home in just over 2 weeks! I can't believe how quickly that is coming, but I am sure excited about it. I can tell you that my plans in the first couple days home will most likely consist of Mexican food and Rockies baseball. Ok, yes, I'll be setting up dinner/coffee/hang-out times with a LOT of people, but food is a necessity. I may not have an excuse for baseball.
We are leaving tonight (t minus 10 hours or so) for the Philippines for about a week. We're traveling with some friends, but none of us have been there so we don't really know what to expect. As long as there's warm weather and beaches I think we'll be just fine!
I haven't been very involved in setting up the blog, Jess did a wonderful job on all of the set up without much help. That being said, I don't know how/if we can post many pictures, but I am hoping we will post some of our trip and our Taiwan adventures in general before too long. If not, I did start a flickr account pretty early on while we were here, so maybe I'll 'resurrect' that, if need be. Anyway, we'll be gone for a week, and before I know it I'll be headed home. Woohoo! So that's all I've got, thanks for reading.

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