Thursday, April 21, 2011

Back in Colorado!

Hello all! So after a 20 hour or so journey I did indeed make it back home. Mom picked me up at the airport and I didn't even fall asleep on the drive back to her house. I'll be staying here for another week or so when I will move into the basement of our house in Greeley, and I start work at my old job on May 2. I don't know for sure how long I will work, but I'm planning to work through May and June. Jess gets back, as you can see from her countdown, on June 17th. Both of us are already eager for that day. So far my schedule is rather full of dinner appointments and the like, meeting up with family and friends I haven't seen for a while. I also went to the Rockies game yesterday, and seem to have been their good luck charm, as they demolished the Giants after being unproductive in the previous two games of the series. I also enjoyed some free beer thanks to mom and the Ladies Fan Club tickets that we had! It was a good time.
Well there's always more I could write, but I'll save some for another day. So, if you read this, and you're in Colorado, and you don't already have plans to meet up with me, give me a call, email, or some other form of communication. I still have the same phone number I had before we left. I hope you're all well!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hawkmoon's Inaugural

Inaugural is a weird word. There I said it. That's obviously beside the point, but I couldn't stop myself. Anyway, I figured that I should make my first entry for a couple reasons, especially since I will be headed home in just over 2 weeks! I can't believe how quickly that is coming, but I am sure excited about it. I can tell you that my plans in the first couple days home will most likely consist of Mexican food and Rockies baseball. Ok, yes, I'll be setting up dinner/coffee/hang-out times with a LOT of people, but food is a necessity. I may not have an excuse for baseball.
We are leaving tonight (t minus 10 hours or so) for the Philippines for about a week. We're traveling with some friends, but none of us have been there so we don't really know what to expect. As long as there's warm weather and beaches I think we'll be just fine!
I haven't been very involved in setting up the blog, Jess did a wonderful job on all of the set up without much help. That being said, I don't know how/if we can post many pictures, but I am hoping we will post some of our trip and our Taiwan adventures in general before too long. If not, I did start a flickr account pretty early on while we were here, so maybe I'll 'resurrect' that, if need be. Anyway, we'll be gone for a week, and before I know it I'll be headed home. Woohoo! So that's all I've got, thanks for reading.